
* *注意* *  

庆祝节日, the 利昂县警长’s Office will not be posting or executing any Writ of Possession starting Friday, 12月22日, 2023年,到周二结束, 12月26日, 2023.  

然而,令状仍可寄交民事组办事处,地址为313s. 卡尔豪圣. 正常营业时间内. They will be processed in the order received when we resume service on Wednesday, December 27, 2023.  



治安官无权就判决或留置权要求付款. He is required by law to levy upon and sell specifically described property to satisfy the execution issued.

Once the 利昂县警长’s Office has received all required paperwork and your deposit, 一名代理人将被派去接管所列财产. 一旦财产得到担保, we will prepare a Notice of Sheriff’s Sale that will be advertised for 4 consecutive weeks in the Tallahassee Advertiser, 当地报纸.

一旦销售日期到来,代理将进行销售. 这次拍卖是公开拍卖,出价最高的人只能拿到现金. 不接受支票、汇票或信用卡付款. 出价最高者手中不应该有现金吗, 出价第二高的人以他们的投标价格中标. 请注意,没有最低出价.

The plaintiff or their representative has the opportunity to employ a credit bid at the sale. 这意味着你可以出价到你判断的金额, 迄今为止所有应计利息及征费, 还有500美元.00美元的清算费,不产生一分钱. If you are the highest bidder then the amount of your bid will be subtracted from the judgment. 但是,所有费用将从您的押金中扣除. If you bid over the amount of the judgment then you will be responsible for producing the necessary amount in cash at the time of the sale . 你应该不这样做吗, 然后,出价第二高的竞标者将按其出价获得该物业. All plaintiffs are advised to be present at the sale in order to protect their interest.

Should the property fail to sell, the property will be returned to the defendant at your cost.

被告是否希望履行判决, 他们可以联系这个办公室以获得当前的支付金额. 这笔钱将包括判决,到目前为止所有应计利息,500美元.00美元的清算费,以及从你的存款中产生的所有费用. Full payoff by the defendant immediately cancels the sale and returns the property to the defendant. Please contact this office 正常营业时间内 if the defendant desires to pay you directly, 厘定至今的征款成本.


  • 执行令状正本. 这可以从发布判决的同一家法院获得.
  • 征费说明. 这份文件是警长需要的, 以书面形式, to levy upon specifically described property; provide defendant’s residence address, 工作地点, 律师的记录, 如果有任何. 根据FSS 30,该文件还需要有“保持无害”条款.30.
  • 存款. The Florida Supreme Court has ruled that the Sheriff shall require a deposit in advance to cover all costs in connection with the handling of an execution or he is personally liable for such costs if not paid. 我们目前的存款金额如下:
    • 汽车: $1700.00
    • 船: $1600.00
    • 房地产: $600.00

12月1日生效st 我们的存款金额如下: 

  • 汽车: $2,000.00
  • 船: $2,000.00
  • 房地产: $2,000.00

其他个人财产的征费,请向本办事处索取费用按金. 对机动车以外的个人财产征收的费用, 船, 或者房地产是2美元,000.00. The above deposits are based on costs required to conduct past levies and are not negotiable. 存款金额如有更改,恕不另行通知, 活期存款金额请与本行联系.



On or before the date of the first publication or posting of the notice of sale provided for under s. 56.21, the levying creditor shall file an affidavit setting forth the following as to the judgment debtor:

(a) An attestation that the levying creditor has reviewed the database or judgment lien records established in accordance with ss. 55.201 55.209 and that the information contained in the affidavit based on that review is true and correct;

(b)第5条所要求的资料. 55.203(1) and (2) for each judgment lien certificate indexed under the name of the judgment debtor as to each judgment creditor; the file number assigned to the record of the original and, 如果有任何, the second judgment lien; and the date of filing for each judgment lien certificate under s. 55.202或s. 55.204(3); and

(c) A statement that the levying creditor either does not have any other levy in process or, 如果另一项征费正在进行中, the levying creditor believes in good faith that the total value of the property under execution does not exceed the amount of outstanding judgments.

这是一份格式自由的宣誓书. 以避免在执行和征费过程中出现不必要的延误, 我们要求在征税前将这份宣誓书提交到我们的办公室. 另外,请提供一份您的判决留置权证明副本.

机动车辆, 船和其他水上工具, 我们需要公路安全和机动车辆管理局的打印件. 您可以拨打850-617-2000与DHSMV联系. 对于房地产, we require a certified copy of the Quit-Claim or Warranty Deed from the 利县 Clerk of the Court, 记录办公室. 你可以拨打850-577-4030联系法院书记员. 从任何其他来源(例如.e. 互联网搜索)不被视为法律证据,也不会被接受.

Please note that you are directly responsible for all costs incurred in the levy process. Should the property sell for a sufficient amount, your entire deposit will be returned to you. 然而, should the property not sell for an amount sufficient to cover all costs and Sheriff’s fees, 余款将从您的押金中扣除.

征费过程不能保证成功. 再一次, the plaintiff or their representative is strongly encour年龄d to be present at the sale in order to protect their interest.

在第一次出版日期之前, 原告被要求发送, 通过挂号信寄给被告, 治安官卖地公告的副本, 治安官征召通知, 以及上述根据F.S. 56.27. 这两份通知将由本办公室提供给您.

被告拥有的任何财产均须缴付征费, 不动产除外,受宅基地保护. 以多方名义持有的财产.e. 当判决只对一人不利时,约翰·多伊和简·多伊)不受征税, 或者一些, 业主的. 但是,以某种方式注册的财产(例如.e. John Doe or Jane Doe) may be levied upon even if the judgment only lists one of the individuals.

机动车辆, 其他个人财产和不动产, 如果被征收, 是否受所有现有留置权的约束, 潜在买家在出售前会收到通知.

A $500.00 liquidation fee will be collected from the defendant in the event they choose to satisfy the execution prior to the sale. 如果销售成功,这笔费用将从销售金额中扣除. 这笔款项归原告/债权人所有. 这笔清算费不计入判决的履行.

公开招标(包括被告), 除了利昂县警长办公室的雇员或他们的亲属.

利昂县警长办公室没有暂停征税, 除非法院需要作出澄清以便继续审理. 如果你要求我们停止征税并取消销售, 所有的文件和剩余的押金都将退还给你.


You may contact the Civil Unit directly at 850-606-3450 between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday.



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